Forty And Feeling It???
Rediscover what your body can do after 40. You’ve just spent the last 10-15years looking after your family and suddenly discover that you aren’t in as great shape as you used to be! You think, “How did this happen”? “How can I find the person I used to be”? “I want to look great, be happy and motivated to live life”. You need to make changes! By placing a value on your health and happiness you begin to move towards the new you. Why is it important to put myself first? As mothers we go through many changes

Them Bones, Them bones….Keeping them strong as we age
Exercise is essential for everybody. As we age, keeping our bones healthy becomes even more important. Strong healthy bones mean you can maintain your bone density and lead a fit and active life well into old age. Numerous studies have examined the positive effects of weight-bearing exercises. Resistance exercises have the greatest effect on bone mineral density. Bone will form when there is stress, so when muscles pull on the bones during weight training they stimulate the bone to increase its density. “At least one in four older people have a

Meet Our New Personal Trainer Cassidy
We are excited to welcome Cassidy to the Cairns PT team. She is an accomplished swimmer and keen to help motivate and encourage clients to reach their fitness goals.

Introducing Remedial Massage Therapist – Alison Tudball
Alison has a Diploma in Remedial Massage, Cert IV in Shaitsu, Cert IV in Sports Therapies and is a registered Provider for Private Health Fund Rebates. Alison’s massage therapy is based on the belief that her customer’s needs are of the utmost importance. Alison is committed to meeting those needs and as a result has many repeat customers and referrals. She welcomes the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry. Please contact Alison on 0432 146 593 for booking and further information on her services.

Protein requirements for Athletes
Protein requirements have been well researched and in recent years, while scientists are starting to agree on some key issues much more research is to be done before we fully understand this diverse nutrient. Public opinion however, tends to move in cycles with opinion being influenced by the media, the internet and pseudo-scientists. It’s no wonder many athletes are struggling to decide just how much protein they actually require? Why is protein important? Protein is an essential nutrient in the diet, being used to manufacture body proteins that have important structural and functional roles. Structural proteins are needed to build

Menopause Management
Menopause management Last updated 25 August 2015 — Last reviewed 02 March 2014 Management and treatment of menopausal symptoms depends on each individual woman. Healthy living, natural and complementary therapies including herbs and phytoestrogens, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), some antidepressant medications and medications typically used for high blood pressure may assist with menopause symptoms. ‘Bioidentical’ hormone therapy is also discussed. On This Page Healthy living Managing vaginal problems Natural & complementary therapies Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) Other prescription medications Bioidentical hormones & menopause Many women cope with mild menopause symptoms and don’t need to take any medication or use therapies.